This time next week

Oh yeah, you got it…


(RIP Hollywood Studios hat – yes, I loved it)

I will be taking off from Manchester Airport, bound for the most magical place in the world.

The early start date cast members already look like they’re having an insane time. Like Snapchat has been both a blessing and a curse. I’ve been able to get in on so much Disney action before actually being there myself but OH MA GAWWWD am I jealous? YE BABE.

I requested the later start date because I’m finally getting to see Stone Roses on the 18th and I just couldn’t even consider missing that. I was just a poor college student earning £25 a week last time they did a set of gigs, and this year, with all of their new material coming out, it’s going to be insane.

Anywhos, back to Disney. So I’ve been running round this week like a headless chicken looking for swimsuits, sandals and then potential outfits for Disney Traditions. Traditions is like a training centre that you go to for 3 days-ish and they’re very strict on shoulders, knees and toes coverage. As part of training, however, we go into Magic Kingdom, and if anyone has been to Florida in the summer, you know it is HAWT. I’ve been trying to find a nice balance of summery but businessy and it just isn’t happening. Apparently all I own are long sleeved or no sleeved tops so I’ve been to Topshop about 20 times, scrolled through ASOS for about a million hours, and been back and forth to the local shopping centre too many times to count: still not bought anything.

Any suggestions for outfits would be great.

Also, still need to buy a suitcase hahahahahah what is my life. I’m going away for 3 months and I haven’t started packing, yup, what a fool. The mad rush is gonna hit me hard.

Another thing griping me right now is how the referendum vote is affecting the exchange rate. WHY DIDN’T I GET MY DOLLARS EARLIER?! Decided I’m literally leaving it until last minute now because it’s just too irritating watching them go up and down like a freakin yoyo.

Sorry, I’m just babbling about crap, I might make a post that makes sense and is maybe more interesting soon but, for now, I’m in Center Parcs with some pals so I’m gonna go have some fun.

Much love x


When it all pays off…

After weeks of graft, sleepless nights, crappy food, bankrupting myself on trains up and down the country and going slightly insane producing my major project, I finally got my results back…

Fair to say I nearly vommed in my mouth waiting for 4pm to come around and then at 3:57pm I checked my emails – MARKS WERE UP AAAAH.

I think I’ve only felt nerves like it once before and that was A-level results day. When I saw my grade I literally did a double take… 90/100 WHAT THE FFFFFFFF?!?!!?

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After sitting with my maths degree genius of a brother, we worked out that I will be receiving a First Class Honours Degree – HOW INSANE IS THAT?! A 2:1 is enough and everyone who received a 2:1 should definitely be happy with it, but I’ve always said “it would be nice just to say I have a first” and all year I’ve been between the two grades. That 90 pushed me up to where I needed to be and now I can finally say “yeah… I got a first…”.

Everyone who’s worked hard for something will know the elation. Whether it’s GCSEs, A-levels, a national diploma, putting in the extra hours to be able to pay for that holiday… when you finally get the result you want, my God it feels good.

I don’t want this post to just be me buzzing about me but this is a crazy achievement for me, and such a huge moment in my life; that’s it, another era of my life is gone and I did it well. I’d recommend this feeling to everyone, put in the work and eventually, yeah it might take a bloody lot longer than you thought, it will pay off.

So, BBC, when are you gonna hire me?


Three weeks ’til Disney!

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YEEEE BUDDY only three weeks until I get my ass on that plane to Flo Rida. So much to do before then, and so much has happened since my last post.

So as I mentioned, I was on placement at Newsround at CBBC so I’ve been a busy gal erryday. Loved it so much there, let me be part of the teeeeeeeeeeaaaam?!?!?!

Thursday was our annual uni journalism awards. This year it was held in ‘On the 7th’ which is a private members club for the beeb and ITV at MediaCityUK (ooooh fancy as I know). We got together for a few piccies n proseccos beforehand and then we went over for our free Pimms on arrival. The rest of my pals were there and it was so darn cute. Lots of industry members were there, our lecturers and all of us wannabe hacks were there too. It was just so lovely! Everyone was suited and booted and I even managed to bag myself an award aaaaahhhh! Top radio journalist right here. Got some feedback from my lecturer on my final project too and it seems like things are looking good eeeeeep! Those all nighters must’ve paid off…


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Friday I went back into Newsround to many congratulations (one of the editors and one of the producers went to the awards) which was so lovely and after showing the dep. editor my major project, things are looking bright – Jennie Henry face of CBBC??? It was one of the presenters birthdays so we went out for a boogie and it was wicked.

Saturday I said my goodbyes to my incredible flatmate of three years. We live what seems like poles apart (Essex and Middlesbrough) and it was just one of the most upsetting experiences waaaah cry! We met on the first day of uni and have been like each other’s right arms since. Plenty of giggles, loads of love and not one argument – I’m pretty impressed and so bloody happy I found that girl.shiny gif

To stop me crying all day, me and a couple of my friends went over to the Trafford Centre. I
bought shoes to cheer me up and they’re so shiny I love it.

After emosh talk of leaving everyone and moving back home we decided to have a sleepover YEEEEEES. Moved our mattresses into the living room and played cards, watched films just enjoyed having each other there ARGH WHY AM I MOVING AWAY?!

Today we’re off to get bank holiday sloshed in Spinningfields. It’s sunshiney, it’s hot and it’s going to be so much fun! I’m going to miss these people like crazy, why do things have to come to an end?


Much love x

Here to HELP? Are you though?!?!?!

CHHHHHRRIST on a bike, I am about to rant.

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I am so sick of customer service that is done via social media and pre-written questions online. LET ME RING YOU PLEASE. Absolutely nothing gets sorted via these methods and you’re just sat on the other end doing one of those upside down smile emojis, wound up to the high heavens, waiting for a response.

I ordered something from ASOS, looked like turd, so I’ve ordered the thing I actually wanted that wasn’t in my size at the time of my original order but I need it by 5pm tomorrow… Nothing like last minute I know, HOWEVER, I have next day delivery and it says it should be delivered between 7am and 10pm as long as ordered before 10pm… All I bleedin’ want to know is whether my order stands any chance of being delivered before 5pm because if not then I will have to desperately shop on my lunch break. WHY U NO ANSWER ME ASOS? I have tweeted them like a million times – honestly, I think I am now troll status. Been waiting an hour, not got any sort of response. Checked whether they were active; they’re helping some chick search for a pastel dress to wear for a wedding R U EFFIN REAL RIGHT NOW?

I’m so sick of poop like this: Apple customer service, other various online clothing companies, businesses that won’t give you a phone number because actually speaking to a real life person would make them too vulnerable or something?! Are you scared of confrontation mr internet shop? Just get a call centre for Christ’s sake – take your customers into consideration and stop being so darn cheap. Hire some chatty welsh people, you might even get a BBC documentary made about your jolly little call centre JUST PLEASE LET ME WASTE MY MINUTES ON YOU.

A very tightly wound Jennie Henry x

USA Bucket List

So you might’ve already seen my Disney Bucket List. Well, I thought I’d make another one for my time in America outside of Disney too.


I’m hitting LA, Disneyland Anaheim, Laguna Beach, Palm Springs, Joshua Tree Park, the Grand Canyon, Vegas, Death Valley, Yosemite, Lake Tahoe, Napa Valley, San Fran, Monterey, Santa Barbara, Hollywood, Santa Monica then heading over to DC and New York! Luckiest little bean in the whole wide world this summer!

  • Do anything and everything in Disneyland California, LA
  • Celeb spot, LA
  • See the walk of fame, LA
  • Take stupidly scenic photos at the Grand Canyon
  • Die and go to heaven at Yosemite
  • Zip wire over Fremont St, Vegas
  • Be someone’s lucky charm in a casino, Vegas
  • See Alcatraz, San Fran
  • Drink alllllll of the wine in Napa
  • Eat at Cheesecake Factory
  • See the Hollywood sign, LA
  • Go to Muscle Beach, LA
  • See an American sports game
  • See some whales n seals n stuff whilst driving down the PCH
  • Cycle over the Golden Gate bridge, San Fran
  • Get a cable car in San Fran
  • Go on a ride at the top of Stratosphere in Vegas
  • Eat a chilli dog
  • Visit the Statue of Liberty, NYC
  • See the White House, DC
  • Take a picture of the Abe Lincoln memorial, DC
  • Do the Grand Canyon sky walk
  • Survive the hottest place on Earth (Death Valley)
  • Pretend to be a frat boy by drinking Coors Light n playing beer pong
  • Get an In’n’Out burger, LA
  • Eat at as many Hard Rocks as poss
  • Go to Katz Deli in NY
  • Drink green juice in Cali
  • Watch a drive in movie
  • To be continued…

I can’t think of anything more right now, but if you have any suggestions of cool wkd stuff you’ve done in the US before please send them my way!

Happy Sunday x

Bad blogger – soz

I’m terrible I know. Where the heck have I been? Well the answer is in a deadline cret hole. Countless all nighters, 4 hour round trips from Manchester to Middlesbrough, rinsing my bank account on coffee, basically it’s been a looooooooooooooooooooong month, BUT…

NO MORE UNI wahhhhh bittersweet feelings!


It’s been terrible and amazing at the same time. The people I’ve met and the skills I’ve grown being the latter. As broadcast journalists, we didn’t do a dissertation and instead created something we can show when we are applying for jobs. Because I specialise in TV, I made three news packages following the theme ‘Life as a Refugee‘. They are aimed at children, think Newsround, and I am so proud of them. You might think differently but oh my God I spent so long in the editing suite I might as well have moved in, so I’m proud of the time and effort that went in to creating this result. I also met some incredible people whilst making this, definitely put my life into perspective so as much as there were time when I wanted to throw myself out of the windows in room 3.19, I was constantly reminded of their stories and just how lucky I am.

Fab news as well, I’m currently at CBBC’s Newsround on placement! I’ve been rejected so many times from work experience applications at the BBC that I was overwhelmed when I finally got accepted hahaha! My major project showed me how creative I could get with kids’ news and being here is just like hanging the carrot in front of the donkey, gimme gimme gimme a job (if anyone has any contacts high up hint hint………..)

AAAAnywhos, after spending the morning in the Match of the Day Kickabout studio with Mark Wright, I’m off to do some other random shtuff I never thought I’d be doing (yesterday we covered a story of a man who lived as a goat for six days – for real yo…).

OOOOOH and by the way, less than a month ’til Disnaaaaaay!

Much love x

Major Proj links are here if you are interested:
Part 1 – What are asylum seekers and refugees?
Part 2 – Finding safety
Part 3 – How do refugees fit in in Britain?



No, this isn’t a post about some noughties witch programme – if that’s why you’re here you should probably reassess your viewing habits.

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All day last Saturday (Stockton Calling) people were banging on about this new band, Hidden Charms. They were on later in the day which usually means they’re a decent band but it also meant I couldn’t stay to see them as I left to get suitably smashed for my mate’s 21st. However, I decided today that I would give their YouTube a little tickle and the hype is real. They’re my new thang. I’ll probably destroy every existing song they have, just like I did when I first listened to Catfish and the Bottlemen, and I’ll probably tell everyone to give them a cheeky listen because they’re actually top.

The four piece from London are reminiscent of bluesy guitars and beats that could be mistaken for something straight outta 1965. With hailing from Zane Lowe and Annie Mac, I can’t be the only one succumbing to the delicious sounds of their latest single Love You Cause You’re There. The band’s influences include Arctic Monkeys, Temples and The Kinks and you can certainly tell. Long Way Down is my new fave jam and it should be yours too. Perfectly comfortable in Carnaby Street and sixties America alike, the band have literally nailed the whole bluesy mod thing and I love it. Seriously hope I get to catch these boys some time soon so when they’re big I can claim “I liked them first”.


Twitter: @HiddenCharmsUK

Upcoming UK Dates:
Warrington – Viola Beach: A Celebration 2 April 2016
Derby – 2Q Festival 9 April 2016
Leeds – Live at Leeds 30 April 2016
Whitehaven – At The Stadium 13-14th May 2016
Brighton – TGE Festival 19-21st May 2016
London – Bushstock Festival 18 June 2016

The Weekend of All Weekends

As in my previous post, this Easter bank holiday weekend consisted of music, booze and chocolate eggs and it lived up to every expectation and more AND YOU ARE NEVER GOING TO BELIEVE ME.



So basically, The Last Shadow Puppets played Middlesbrough Town Hall, which for one is incredibly unexpected, like twice Glasto headliner Alex Turner mooching round Boro doesn’t just happen… and the gig was insane like couldn’t have asked for more. Alex has grown his hair and it’s luscious and great, and Miles has shaved it and he looks like  badass. They were both rocking some 70s gear that pressed every single one of my buttons, and the show they put on was spot on.

Now all well and good, me and my buds leave buzzing, head for a drink across the road then onto Empire (Boro’s finest establishment). Unknown Pleasures was on – a room dedicated to all things indie, alt, Madchester and just general great tunes. We’re having a top night and then some chick is like “omg Miles and Alex are in Emps”. Like 20 minutes later, there we are, in the same tiny room as Miles Kane and Alex Turner. The area is cordoned off of course so we get right to the front of the velvet rope barrier. The boys (yeah, we’re mates now) needed a wee so security took them and the barrier is dropped, everyone’s free to dance again. This is where I make my move.

Spotted the bassist in the corner so I went to talk to him. He’s from LA and I’m going in the summer so I’m asking him for some names of dece bars and that and then suddenly the boys come back and the barriers back up AND WE’RE INSIDE OMG OMG DIE. Me and my two gorgeous mates Steph and Amy are like “play it cool chicks play it cool” and there we are dancing with Miles Kane and Alex Turner. FULLY LEGIT. Now this is where it gets questioned because I have no selfie evidence – cryyyyyyy. We all agreed not to act like 12 year old girls and so that unfortunately meant we couldn’t whack out Snapchat 😦 To be fair, it must be a nightmare being them. Like you can’t have a dece night without being mobbed or have constant mug shots taken of you when you just want to get seshy with a super hot gal like me lol.

ANYWAYS, best night of my life ever. Miles Kane is the most humble and lovely guy, and Alex, well, he’s quiet, keeps himself to himself but has got some serious snake hips. Stuff of dreams. Thank you for the most wonderful memory, and that can of Red Stripe x


The rest of my weekend was excellent but is definitely gonna sound like an anti-climax after the Friday of my life haha!

Stockton Calling is a day when bands from all over come to Stockton to play in pubs and bars all day long – sort of like a bar crawl with top live music, essentially the perfect day out.

PROUD GIRLF MOMENT: our lad’s band, TOWZER, opened for KU Bar in the afternoon. It was their first gig together, and with their slot being 1:30pm they didn’t really expect many people to turn up. The room ended up packed with people and they were so bleedin’ good. I’m so stupidly proud and happy for them. They sounded great and the crowd were really behind them. Looking forward to becoming their number one fan.


Hung around for band’s like Social Room, The Tapestry, Kingsley Chapman (from The Chapman Family) and it was great to see such a good turn out of people throughout the day. Live music is special, and the support for local talent and unsigned acts was amazing to see. More days like this please. If you want to know more about it, check out my mate Dave’s blog 

I had to leave before I got to see Reverend and the Makers, Blossoms and the most talked about band of the day, Hidden Charms. It was my school friend’s 21st so I got home, got changed, topped up my highlight, and headed back out to pres. A million woo woos later, we totted out in our heels for another night on the tiles. First: The Townhouse (formerly The Keys) for some 2 for 1 long island ice teas and motown and soul classics – most underrated pre bar for a Saturday night in Boro. Then back to Empire for the second night in a row. Music was spot on all night, whacking out those songs you thought you had forgotten about. The Kooks Shine On reminding me just how bloody old I am now. Easter bank holiday is always the best for nights out; everyones back from uni and you’re just a social butterfly floating round the room hugging anyone and everyone IT’S THE BEST.

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IYA JESUS, WELCOME BACK. My two day bender had caught up with me and though Jesus had risen, I think I regressed into a state of death like appearance. Luckily, we had a slap up Sunday dinner at the v nice Acklam Hall in their new restaurant The Brierley. We all got a little bag of truffles on arrival, then I had cheese souffle, a lamb dinner and lemon tart with italian meringue. It was so beaut and I definitely had that post Christmas dinner type nap feel after. We went back to my nan’s, I beat the kids at the Easter Egg hunt and then we ate more when my nan put on her one of her ‘nan’s famous buffet’s. Worked it off with a family game of Heads Up and then slumped home where my boyfriend joined us for the finale of The Night Manager (holy poop it was good wasn’t it?!).

All round fantastically great weekend and now I’m off to eat a bacon sarnie. Much love x

Music n Booze n Chocolatey Eggs

BANK HOLIDAAAAAAAAAY HECK YEAH. Everyone loves a four day weekend and after a four day placement I feel like I’ve worked hard enough to deserve all of the fun.

Good Friday: Jesus made Good Friday for a reason and this is it. The Last Shadow Puppets, as in Alex Turner off of Arctic Monkeys and Miles Kane off of Miles Kane, are doing a gig at Middlesbrough Town Hall. It’s going to be insane and I am going to be there, how great? I’ll be sure to make you all jelly as after the gig.

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Easter Saturday: As well as that monumental moment, one of our local festivals, Stockton Calling, is on this Saturday with Reverend and the Makers and Blossoms headlining. We’ve got a fab little music scene up North and Saturday should highlight that superbly. Our lad’s band, TOWZER, are opening for one of the soundest bars in Stockton and it’s their first ever gig aw. Demos sound wicked and as much as he doesn’t want me there being his groupie, I’m gonna be, soz fella. If you’re in Stockton on Saturday, get your ass down to KU at 1:30pm.

Saturday night is a long time pal of mine’s 21st so seshy times are ahead. Feel like I haven’t been out in glorious Boro town in so long so I’m buzzbuzzbuzz. Also haven’t seen some of my mates since before I went to Australia, which was like December, so I’m excited for the happiness and joy that will be Saturday night.

Easter Sunday: Catholic life – probably start the day in Church because Jesus, and then I will be recovering over a Sunday dinner out with ma familia at Acklam Hall’s brand new restaurant, The Brierley. Usually we go back to my nan’s house and do an Easter egg hunt which now means, us old grandkids help my three younger cousins find loads of eggs and then they let us have one… being 21 is laaaaaame.

Just a basic white girl

Iya. This is a picture of me.


Time to be confusingly ironic: I set this blog up because I hate blogs. What I mean by this is, I’m sick of reading potentially fabulous blogs that are just so GCSE English. I am by no means a Rowling or a good old Lemony Snicket but oway boys and girls there are more words than ‘aesthetic’ and ‘lovely’. If you want some colloquially written wonderful words then you’re at the right place, my love. Who knows what I will write in this not-so-bloggy blog. As the title of the post may suggest, I like basic things like: Topshop, Costa, shoes, Disney, discovering my soul while travelling the world xoxox etc. I also fully love me some Manchester, bangin tunes from bands like The Smiths and Stone Roses and appreciate all thangs 60s/70s. Other than that, I’m 21, from Boro (Google ‘where is heaven?’ if you’re not sure), and I’m a third year broadcast journalism student at the uni of disorganisation (Salford).

I’ll write soon, much love.