Here to HELP? Are you though?!?!?!

CHHHHHRRIST on a bike, I am about to rant.

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I am so sick of customer service that is done via social media and pre-written questions online. LET ME RING YOU PLEASE. Absolutely nothing gets sorted via these methods and you’re just sat on the other end doing one of those upside down smile emojis, wound up to the high heavens, waiting for a response.

I ordered something from ASOS, looked like turd, so I’ve ordered the thing I actually wanted that wasn’t in my size at the time of my original order but I need it by 5pm tomorrow… Nothing like last minute I know, HOWEVER, I have next day delivery and it says it should be delivered between 7am and 10pm as long as ordered before 10pm… All I bleedin’ want to know is whether my order stands any chance of being delivered before 5pm because if not then I will have to desperately shop on my lunch break. WHY U NO ANSWER ME ASOS? I have tweeted them like a million times – honestly, I think I am now troll status. Been waiting an hour, not got any sort of response. Checked whether they were active; they’re helping some chick search for a pastel dress to wear for a wedding R U EFFIN REAL RIGHT NOW?

I’m so sick of poop like this: Apple customer service, other various online clothing companies, businesses that won’t give you a phone number because actually speaking to a real life person would make them too vulnerable or something?! Are you scared of confrontation mr internet shop? Just get a call centre for Christ’s sake – take your customers into consideration and stop being so darn cheap. Hire some chatty welsh people, you might even get a BBC documentary made about your jolly little call centre JUST PLEASE LET ME WASTE MY MINUTES ON YOU.

A very tightly wound Jennie Henry x

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